Excellent position on the fireplace market

Even though the interior designs are more and more surprising for us the enclosed fire is still the must-have solution for the living rooms. A fireplace is inseparable part of the house. It gives not only heat but also is the heart of the house for family dinners or meetings with friends. Reliability and finishing quality are important features of such equipment.

Products from Defro Home series are equipment distinguishing with the highest quality and safety class. Modern heating products meet the tastes of the most demanding customers.  Our equipment is not only design furniture but it is, in particular, a great source of heat on which you can always count on. We are represented by such equipment as: air-cooled fireplace inserts, water-cooled fireplace inserts, standalone stoves and pellet-fired stoves. Such a wide range of products available in various types allows meeting the individual demands.


The wider offer of the air-cooled fireplace inserts

Air fireplace inserts are cult equipment with different shapes and finishes. Option to select an individual decorative frame, colour of handle and ceramiton causes that the equipment will ideally suit to each interior. Corner fireplace inserts are continuously the most popular product for homes. This range of products additionally has been extended with Perfect Up guillotine system. Our super silent system for opening and closing of doors provides unquestionable benefits for everyday operation.

The heat from the fireplace for the whole home

For the most demanding customers we designed water-cooled fireplace inserts. Water jacket technology allows connecting it with the other equipment responsible for heating of house e.g. boiler, heat pump or solar system. Fireplace with water jacket is an ideal solution for thrifty users.

Simplicity never goes out of style

Standalone stoves are an alternative for the conventional fireplace inserts. Due to small dimensions and lack of necessity to install them such stove may be used even in the smallest rooms. Standalone stove QUADROOM with a wide furnace will be irreplaceable for the practical individuals. Minimalists with an artistic vision will use the golden version of the ORBIS iron stove.

Pellet power

The above advantages of the iron stoves and high interest of the customers caused that we launched sales of pellet-fired stoves. Their additional benefit is saving of time for the user and low efforts required due to feeder and controller used.

Eco-friendly products meeting the requirements of Ecodesign

Impact of products on the environment is of paramount importance for us. The newest solutions and quality of materials used are intended to maximise the equipment performance. It translates into combustion effectiveness and low emission of CO2 to the environment. Therefore, our products not only meet the requirements but also are a determinant for the industry within the scope of Ecodesign. Majority of our equipment already meet the ecological standards, which will be obligatory in Poland from 2022. Due to the very effective combustion process and specially designed combustion chamber, our products are distinguished with low emission of dust particles, what is confirmed by BImSchV 2 certificate. All of this makes that our air and water fireplace inserts, standalone stoves and stoves fired with pellet are exceptionally eco-friendly and low-emission products.

Fireplaces and stoves are ideal solutions for each interior. Correctly selected equipment can do miracles and emphasize the style of the room. Not only various dimensions but also stylish additions will meet the expectations of the most demanding customers.

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